3 Reasons You NEED to Clean Your Jewelry
Jewelry won't sparkle unless it's clean, this we know, but there are other benefits to keeping your jewelry clean and here are just a few! Click here for some AMAZING jewelry cleaner while you're in between deep cleanings!

Reason #1
Cleaning your jewelry at home is a great start, but we recommend taking your jewelry into your local jeweler to be professionally cleaned and polished at least twice a year. Not only will your jewelry look almost brand new again, but bringing your jewelry into a jeweler to be cleaned is a great way for us to check your prongs, stones, diamonds, etc. Doing this we are making sure that your jewelry is in tip top shape as well as catching any potential repairs before you lose any stones or diamonds.
Reason #2
Jewelry gets dirty no matter how many times you wash your hands, it still gets dirty. One of the biggest mistakes people make with their jewelry is putting lotion on while wearing it. *Quick side note, if you're somewhere and it's not safe to take off your jewelry when putting on lotion, just leave your jewelry on and apply the lotion, it's much better to have lotion gunked rings than forget them on the bathroom sink! The lotion builds up in all of the crevices in your jewelry and it doesn't go away when you wash your hands, it stays there to collect more dirt and grime. Rings especially will cause a rash on your finger if they haven’t been cleaned in a while and have a lot of build up. If you've ever gotten a rash and thought you were having an allergic reaction to the metal, take it to your jeweler and have them clean it for you, try it again...if you still get a rash on your finger it might actually be a reaction to the metal, but usually it's from the buildup. Be mindful of watchbands needing to be cleaned as well, lots of sweat, oils, lotions, etc. build up on the arms during normal every day life and this creates a lot of dirt build up as well.
Reason #3
“Dirty jewelry just doesn't look good"
Plain and simple, dirty jewelry doesn't sparkle the way it used to and jewelry is meant to be adorned and admired. Clean jewelry sparkles and glimmers in the sunlight bringing joy to those who can see its beauty. Fun little fact, diamonds attract oil, so it's very easy for them to get dirty. The minute oil is on that diamond it's easier to attract dirt and it just sticks to your diamond.
If you'd like to purchase some AMAZING jewelry cleaner that is NON-TOXIC, biodegradable, gentle enough to use on pearls, but strong enough for diamonds click here!